Monday 16 May 2011

Interview Tips

Hi Everyone,

So I have just done a youtube video on interview tips and thought I would put pen to paper with my tips as well.
  • research the company. I would say to know 5 points about the company and try to link yourself to the points. (Example: When I joined my company they were in there centenary year and done a lot of charity work. I do a lot of charity work with children and youth clubs so I linked the two)
  • prepare for the interview, have key points written down either in a folder or a notepad but have them on you so if you need to refer to them you can
  • take a pen and paper so you can take notes of what is being said if you wont remember later
  • have a glass of water so if you feel to nervous you can pick the glass up to give you something to concentrate on rather then fidgeting
  • feel as confident as possible. say a mantra to yourself of how amazing you are. if you don't believe in yourself and think your good enough for the job why will anyone else.
  • dress smart bu comfortable.if you feel comfortable in flat shoes then wear them. you don't need to wear heels ts better to feel comfortable while your sitting there.
  • if you normally wear bright colours (like me) then stick to one colour. eg a red cardigan and shoes. but don't go overboard with the colour.
the biggest DON'T i will advise for an interview is NEVER ask about money. If you are unsure of the salary check with the agency or HR before or after the interview, but not during the interview.

IF you are unsuccessful with the interview just think there loss and there missing out on a fantastic person like you. all interviews are experiences and that we can't put a price on.
Sorry for the wordy blog and no pretty pictures (or scary faces in my case) hope you enjoy this blog post and it was helpful.