Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The second hearing test

Hi There,

So this is the next set of tests for Eli's hearing journey. We went to our local health centre and the same nice lady was there. She redone the same New born hearing test and again these didn't show any results. This was now our fourth failed New born hearing test.

The next test was an AABR test. Eli had 3 small sensors placed on his head and they play small clicking noises. We took Mason with us and I remember Luke holding Eli and I was holding Mase and bribing him to be quiet with a treat afterwards. The tests showed the same that there was no response. It was explained that we will be sent to our local hospital to have further testing with the audiologist department. We could still go and have these more detailed tests and they could show that Eli's hearing is perfectly fine. However, at this point I was adamant that Eli was deaf. Luke was still being optimistic.

The next appointment came through really quickly. We we're seen the following week. Our in laws watched Mase for us and we went to hospital. One thing Luke always has done and continues to do is cause an argument on the way to any appointment. He is always an arse and it's his way of dealing with the stress he is feeling.

This appointment took 2 hours. It was in a soundproof room in the peak of summer. We were all sweating it was so hot. We had to get Eli to sleep so he could stay as still as possible and we had to stay as quiet as possible as to not interfere with the results. I swear we were actually scared to breathe to loudly. There was nothing to look at apart from one small poster with the alphabet on that I think I had read it at least a hundred times.

We came away again from this appointment with no answers but an appointment the following week. We had three in total each being 2 hours. They tested all levels of his hearing. If I am honest even now 18 months in there is so much that I'm unsure of with the terminology.

The results showed that Eli has severe/profound hearing loss in his right ear and moderate/severe in his left ear and would need hearing aids fitted. That was all the hospital could tell us at the time and we had to meet a consultant to tell us more and talk hearing aids.

We went to pick Eli's hearing aids the following week and he had his first moulds taken. We picked these beautiful metallic blue hearing aids and he looked adorable in them.

Then we were told about the tests that Eli would need to have to find the reason he was deaf in case it comes with any other Medical conditions. We have always said we don't care about the reasons but did want to know if there was a chance that Eli would have any other Medical conditions from the beginning. He had to have a ECG test, MRI test, eye test. There was speak of blood tests to check for connexin 26 and other genetic conditions. I didn't want Eli to have any unnecessary invasive tests at this stage.

I remember I hadn't cried at this point. I was shocked and spent a lot of my time on Google searching for other stories and other parents that I could speak to who have been and are going through the same as us. There's a Facebook page called unofficial NDCS that's really helpful and the NDCS website is brilliant. I have met some fantastic mums and dads on Instagram as well.

The first time I remember crying Mason was having a nap and Eli was sitting on my knees. I was singing to him badly like I had done from the beginning and still continue to do. Then all of a sudden like a massive wave it hit me that Eli has never heard me tell him I love him. He had never heard me talking to him and reassuring him that everything was going to be ok. I sat looking at my beautiful baby boy and just cried. I felt so out of my depth. There was so much I didn't and still don't know.

As always I have rambled on. I have tried to be as detailed as possible because when Eli had all of this I would of loved more blog posts to read and reassure me.

I will talk about his first pair of hearing aids next time.

As always thank you for reading.


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